Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Club Corner: The English Patients

Photo courtesy of Josh McKinley
Name: The English Patients
Q: What’s your club about?
A: This club is simply a chance for some literary-minded people to get together and discuss some of the things that are being presented to them in the texts that they are reading.  It is aimed at people in English classes at Multnomah.  The Professors of English here at our school don’t mess around when it comes to texts they give us to read.  They are life-changing works and must be treated that way, and we shouldn’t be reading them in isolation.  So to English Club we go!  To hash out some of the big things God is trying to teach us through literature.
Q: What does a typical meeting look like?
A: A Typical meeting will basically be circle discussion about things we are reading.  Discussion will involve things as simple as how are things going this semester, to what is God changing in your life through the texts we have been presented with.  There will also be opportunities for people to share writing they are proud of, or want some help with.  Basically a Lit nerd’s paradise.  There may be food…depends on if the budget comes through.
Meeting Times: We will meet every first and third Thursday at 6:30 in the PM.
Meeting Place: We will meet in the student senate room, which is located between the mailroom and the commuter center.
Club Officers: As a libertarian, I, Josh McKinley, reluctantly accept the role as President… but think of it more like a discussion leader.  Daniel Gillespie will be Co-Discussion leader, and of course the Honorable Hogan Schaak will be our emperor.  Of course there are opportunities to get more involved for students who wish to help out.
Q: How do interested students get involved?

A: If you would like to get involved you basically just have to show up at one of our meetings.  You can also contact me, Josh McKinley, or Daniel Gillespie on Facebook for more information.

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